
AFDD Amendment 2 Regulations... What do they mean?

AFDD Amendment 2 Regulations... What do they mean?

With the new amendments to the 18th edition wiring regulations now in effect, we thought it would be a good idea to look at one of the elements we are frequently asked about.

In this video, we'll be taking a look Arc Fault Detection Devices and what the latest amendment to the wiring regulations has to say about installing them.

We'll take a look at some of the most frequently asked questions such as;

  • What is an Arc Fault?
  • What are the types of electric Arc?
  • Why do Arc Faults Occur?
  • How do AFDDs work?
  • What is the purpose of Arc Fault Protection?

If you'd like more information click here

Click here to see our full range of Arc Fault Detection Devices from Hager, FuseBox, Lewden, and Wylex.

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